Marina Urquhart-Pullen

Osteopath and Naturopath

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Marina graduated from the British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy (London) in 1986. 

Post-graduate training has included cranial osteopathy, obstetric osteopathy, and Pilates. Her first practice in Brighton gained her a good reputation for treating pregnant women. 

She also discovered a keen interest in treating sports injuries and began to use her observation of foot mechanics during running to help ‘joggers’ improve their movement and style - and now welcomes the increasingly popular 'barefoot' running style which has been growing in popularity in the past few years.

Early Days

Her young family took part in many of the local sports so that her skills in treating sports injuries were rekindled (but that time for a slightly smaller model), working with the team members of local clubs in particular.


Marina likes to treat a full range of patients and of all ages, but still maintains her special interest in pregnancy.

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A Personal Approach

She works with all the varying styles of osteopathic treatment approaches, preferring to use the treatment most appropriate for the patient’s need at the time – this could mean taking a more ‘structural’ approach, a soft-tissue based approach, or working more with the ‘cranial’ style techniques. 

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“I see my role quite often as a "problem solving" one - helping patients understand how a problem might have occurred and how it can be prevented from recurring once treatment has brought ease again.”

— Marina Urquhart-Pullen

Institute Of Osteopathy Member

Marina is a mother of two, loves to dance salsa, and has been very actively involved in the professional association for osteopaths (British Osteopathic Association, now the Institute of Osteopathy) having done a 3-year term as its President.

This work has involved her promoting osteopathy with politicians in both Houses; working alongside osteopaths from all over Europe to develop a CEN Standard for Osteopathy; helping to create a rolling training programme for specialist osteopathic care in a spinal surgical unit at the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham, and employing a new CEO for the organisation – to list just a very small amount of the demanding and wide range of work required in this role.

A New Journey

No longer tied to Sussex - Marina is now following a lifetime desire to move nearer family and friends in the West Country. This includes working alongside other therapists and practitioners as she always enjoys working with others helping to find a whole approach to gaining and maintaining health and fitness.

She recently began to undertake a three year professional training with the Shamanic Trust to become a Shamanic Practitioner.

I am here for you

Appointments available

Tavistock, Devon.

Wednesdays 8am to 6pm 

Saturdays 8am to 1pm

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